31 May 2021 to 4 June 2021
on Zoom
Europe/Stockholm timezone

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LINXS, on behalf of SwedNess, will be hosting a course on Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS). The course is aimed at doctoral students who have completed a general neutron scattering course or who have experience with small angle x-ray or neutron scattering. The course will cover an introduction to SANS theory, instrumentation and methods, applications, practicalities of experiments, and data analysis. The lectures will be given by researchers and staff from LU and ESS.

English course title:         Small-Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS)
Credits:                              3 ECTS
Educational Level:           Third Cycle
Academic Level (A-D):    D
Subject Area:                    Neutron Scattering
Grade Scale:                     Pass/Fail
Where:                               Online
When:                                 May 31 - June 4, 2021
Application deadline:      May 18, 2021

Motivation letter
After the deadline for registration, the organizing group will decide which applicants are accepted for the school. The selection will be based on the applicants’ letter of motivation (maximum half an A4) that must be included in the registration. The motivation letter should declare the applicants’ research focus and what they want and expect to gain from this PhD school.


This course will introduce Small Angle Neutron Scattering (SANS) theory and practice, including how to analyse SANS data. It is aimed at students who have completed previous general neutron scattering courses, or who have some experience of Small Angle Scattering with x-rays or neutrons.

Learning Outcomes / Content

  • Theory of Small Angle Scattering

  • Contrast matching and variation in SANS

  • SANS instrumentation (design and configuration)

  • Practicalities of SANS experiments and experimental design

  • Complementarity of SANS and other scattering methods

  • Data analysis

  • Applications of SANS

  • Introduction to Magnetic SANS

  • Methods for reaching micrometer length scales – USANS and VSANS

  • Introduction to Grazing Incidence SANS for surface structures

  • Computer lab work on analyzing SANS data

  • Presentations from students on how they would apply SANS to their research.


Wk 22 (May 31 - June 4)
1 full week of lectures and exercises + home work
Teaching Language: English

Tentative Schedule

Eligibility & Prerequisites

PhD students within SwedNess + other MSc/PhD students and Postdocs at Swedish/Nordic institutions.


Recommended literature includes:

  • TBA

Examination & Requirements for final grade
2 parts:

  • Report on data analysis exercises

  • Presentation on application of SANS to own research project

Grading Scale: Pass/Fail


Dr. Andrew Jackson, Division of Physical Chemistry, Lund University                                  
E-mail:           andrew.jackson@fkem1.lu.se  
Phone:          +46 (0)46 222 45 04


Dr. Andrew Jackson                              


  • Prof. Elizabeth Blackburn (LU)

  • Dr. Judith Houston (ESS)

  • Dr. Andrew Jackson (LU/ESS)

  • Dr. Wojciech Potrzebowski (LU/ESS)

  • Dr. Adrian Sanchez-Fernandez (LU)


During our events we sometimes take photographs and short film clips to profile our activities. Please let us know if you don’t want to be in any photos/films before we start the event. Some of the talks might be recorded to be used for educational purposes in the LINXS website.

By registering to our events you give your permission to LINXS, according to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), to register your name and e-mail address to be used for the sole purpose of distributing newsletters and communications on LINXS activities.

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